Tiny Tower Help
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Base Coins earned by delivering bits in Your tower: F * (1 + G) * Y + 50
Coins earned by delivering bits in Your tower with completed tech tree research: Base Coins * (1 + E * F + LBT)

Coins earned by visiting Friend towers: F * T + 50

F = floor reached, G = total GT's, Y = your elevator speed (incl Lubed Tube bonus), T = their base elevator speed, E = Exponential Growth, LBT = Lift Boy Tips.

Max speed base elevator = 10 FPS (floors per second)
Max Lubed Tube bonus = 1.25 FPS

Elevator speed including Lubed Tube = 10.5
Gold Tickets = 25
Exponential Growth = 0.02
Lift Boy Tips = 0.15
Floor Reached = 10
Base Coins = 10 * (1 + 25) * 10.5 + 50 = 2780 coins
Total Coins earned = 2780 * (1 + 0.02 * 10 + 0.15) = 3753 coins


Capped at 300 bux for non-VIP, or 900 bux for VIP
Fireworks Bux = (days + 2) * 3 (and * 3 if VIP) so at 98 days you have reached max fireworks.
Fireworks days do not reset if you miss a day, they will pick up where you left them.

Dream Jobs vs Gold Bits

Dream Jobs:

  • Placing bits, even with low skills, in their dream jobs is better than placing highly skilled bits in a different job.
  • Each bit in its dream job doubles the stock quantity for its product
  • Each bit in its dream job pays triple their base rent

Gold Bits:

  • Gold bits (skills of 99999) pay maximum base rent.
  • The formula for calculating rent per bitizen is as follows: add up all its stats (for e.g. 5 + 5 + 5 + 5 + 5 = 25), then multiply by 20 (triple if VIP, triple if Dream Worker) and you’ll have the rent

Even a dream worker with skills that add up to 16 will pay more rent than a gold bit that isn’t working in their dream job.

The best of all is to have Gold Bits working in their Dream Jobs.
You can upskill existing bits through a gfarm and/or request bits for your existing stores through requests. All the bits sent out from requests are already Gold Bits.

Tech Tree

  • The Tech Tree is visible after reaching 20 floors, or after a previous rebuild.
  • One tech point can be collected every 4 hours from the top of the tech tree. There will be a collect point button or a countdown to when you can collect the next one if already collected.
  • Tech points can be spent on research items within the tech tree.
  • Some research items are dependent on the previous one being researched to the same or higher level.
  • Research costs tech points and coins. There is no way to rush research. You can speed up research time up to 50% by purchasing a Gold Pass or Silver Pass from the Buy More menu.
  • Some research items are better than others but depends on your game style and personal preference.
  • Note you cannot rebuild while researching


  • The base formula for calculating rent per bitizen is as follows: First add up all its stats, for e.g. 5 + 5 + 5 + 5 + 5 = 25. Then take that sum, multiply by 20 (triple if VIP, triple if Dream Worker) and you’ll have the rent.
  • A gold bit with skills of 99999 will pay at least 900 coins per day rent (*3 if VIP, *3 if Dream Worker)
  • Bonus rent can be earned through the boosts, tech tree research and by applying GTs to apartments

Example (base rent):
Bit’s Skills: 6+5+8+9+2 = 30A
30 * 20 = 600
If Dream Worker (not VIP): 600 * 3 = 1800 coins, or
If VIP (not Dream Worker): 600 * 3 = 1800 coins, or
If Dream Worker & VIP: 600 * 3 * 3 = 5400 coins

Gold Bit: 9+9+9+9+9 = 45
45 * 20 = 900
If Dream Worker (not VIP): 900 * 3 = 2700 coins, or
If VIP (not Dream Worker): 900 * 3 = 2700 coins, or
If Dream Worker & VIP: 900 * 3 * 3 = 8100 coins


  • Pending visits stay approx 1-2 days with a maximum of 2 visits per friend. If you rebuild, your visitors will return after the tutorial.
  • Gifted bitizens and raffle prizes do not expire. If you rebuild, they will return after the tutorial.
  • Elevator appearance is no longer related to speed.
  • If you tap the top or bottom blue bars, you can scroll to the top or bottom of your tower quickly.
  • Delivering a bit to a floor under construction/restocking will take 1 + #GT off remaining time.
  • Double tapping the Job tab sorts Bitizens alphabetically by their Dream Job.