Tiny Tower Help
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Double Rent

When you are ready to collect rent:

  • Tap the rent icon but don’t tap “Collect” in the popup message.
  • Leave the app, but don’t close it completely or force quit or leave the app for so long that it restarts itself.
  • Switch back to the app. The rent icon will appear again on the bottom.
  • Tap “Collect” to get the first rent.
  • Then tap new rent icon and tap “Collect” to get the second rent.
  • On some phones, you can simply slide a phone menu up or down to “leave the app” and then slide the phone menu away to “switch back to the app”.

This was originally a “glitch” in the game, but when the developers became aware of it they chose to leave it in :)

Demonstration on iOS but it also works on Android: https://streamable.com/vp1xi

Quick Visiting

  1. Visit small tower (gfarms are great as only 3 floors)
  2. Wait for coin explosion
  3. Quickly exit and visit a tall tower
  4. The visit counts for the tall tower.
  5. Repeat as many times as needed.

VIP Cancelled Elevator Visit

Aka. Infinite Friend Visit Trick


  • VIP package (auto lift)
  • Minimum of 1 friend visit in queue
  • Fast elevator (more coins)

When you send a visitor up the elevator, as soon as they reach the floor and you see the coin shower, immediately go to the lobby and perform one of the following:

  • Move a Celebrity, BS, or Delivery VIP into the elevator.
  • Move a Construction VIP into the elevator if there is a floor being constructed.
  • Move a REA VIP or gifted bit into the elevator if there is an open vacancy.

After returning the VIP or gifted bit back to the lobby, if the visitor was a another player or a bit from an elevator mission, then that same visitor will reappear in your elevator shortly after.

With this method, you will receive coins from the elevator and the stock/construction time reduction.
However, the game will not register the visit, so if the visitor was a friend, you will not receive the 10 bux tip.
If the visitor is an elevator mission, the counter will not go down.

An alternative method is closing the game to sync to the cloud, however you do not receive stock/construction reduction.

The benefit of this technique is that VIP players can extend the period where they have an “instant next elevator ride” while they have a friend/mission visitor queue, rather than run out of the queue and then have to wait random times for the next elevator ride.
So a great time to do this technique is when your visitor queue is short.

An extension to this for those players only building 1-2 apartments is the Delivery Mission Top Floor Residential technique.

While any player can do this trick, there is no benefit for non-VIP players since the elevator wait time will always be random no matter what.

Delivery Mission Top Floor Residential


  • VIP package (auto lift)
  • A delivery mission
  • Minimum of 1 friend visit in queue
  • Fast elevator (more coins)

This is the same process as VCEVT, except instead of repeatedly using the same visitor, you’re repeatedly using the same bit from a Delivery Mission.

There is a theory that Delivery Mission bits have a bias toward apartment floors (approximately 25% probability), so if you keep your apartment(s) at the top of your tower, you can skew your rides higher which gets you more coins.

While any player can benefit from having their rides skewed higher, for best results have 1-2 apartments (fewer floors to move), and have VIP with a visitor queue (so the elevator wait time will be nearly 0) and a fast elevator.

Time Traveling

Time traveling is not encouraged and results in:

  • Bits being stolen by a time traveling thief
  • Fireworks disappearing until you reach the date you traveled to
  • Rent disappearing until you reach the date you traveled to
  • Tech points and tech tree progress may be lost
  • Free gifts and ad offers from the freebux menu may not appear
  • Stock disappearing
  • Stock freezing (items are in the store but nothing selling so no coin earnings)
  • Construction time being insanely high
  • Stocking time being insanely high
  • In certain situations your coins will go drastically negative

If you have time traveled and suffered any of these consequences you can either wait until your tower catches up to the date you jumped ahead to, or dismiss that tower and start again with a new tower code.
There is no ‘fix’ for a time traveled tower.